A map of the cemetery is available in the Township hall with each person’s name on the grave that they are buried in. A map of the cemetery is also located in the west end, so graves can be located easily.
Our maintenance staff keeps our township cemetery clean and serene. Grass around each of the headstones is trimmed regularly, which is a very time-consuming task. Every item on the grave must be moved then trimmed and then replaced. The Sexton’s manual limits items placed on individual graves (other than new burials) to a maximum of two items. The township maintains the cemetery out of respect to those buried there, and their relatives and friends who come to pay their respects. Although most have complied with the new limits that went into effect in approximately 2010, we still find some who have ignored this change. We would appreciate it if the plot owners/caretakers would abide by the limits that were set.
Items placed on a gravesite must be removed by November 1 or they will be discarded. Christmas items will be removed in the Spring.
Contact the clerk for any questions.