I don’t agree with my assessment. What can I do?
In Coldsprings Township, assessments may be appealed annually at the March Board of Review. Property owners may appeal in person or by letter.
The property owner(s) bears the burden of proof in an appeal to the March Board of Review. Therefore, it is important to have strong supporting documentation to justify a reduction in assessed value. The purchase price, while important, is not sufficient evidence alone to warrant a reduction, as the MI State Tax Commission considers ‘chasing sales’ (i.e. simply setting an assessment at 50% of the sales price) an illegal practice.
If you are interested in making an appeal to the March Board of Review, contact our assessor for assistance. Assessors are an often-underutilized resource. Assessors can provide information that may prove helpful in an appeal and may correct errors if discovered prior to the first Monday in March (potentially eliminating the need to make an appeal to the March Board of Review).
If a property owner is not satisfied with a decision of the March Board of Review, there are further appeal rights before the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Residential and Agricultural appeals to the March Board of Review are required before further appeal may be made to the Tax Tribunal.